Lyme Regis Sea School

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VHF Radios

VHF Radios are complex pieces of equipment requiring training, legal certifications and registrations for their operators. Check your knowledge of VHF procedures, etiquette and protocols using this quiz.

1 / 16

What type of radio call has the highest priority?

2 / 16

Which VHF channel is used for distress, safety and calling?

3 / 16

What does DSC stand for?

4 / 16

You've just purchased a new VHF radio set, and noticed that it does not have a DSC controller built in. Do you need to return it and get another one?

5 / 16

Your dog has fallen overboard. Is this a distress situation since a life is in danger?

6 / 16

Which channel should you never make a voice call on?

7 / 16

True or False: You always need a Ship Radio License to operate a Marine VHF Radio?

8 / 16

What must be added to the end of a radio message when you are expecting a reply from the receiving station?

9 / 16

Is it acceptable to use the VHF Radio to liaise with your fellow boater in order to choose a spot for lunch?

10 / 16

When should you make voice a radio check?

11 / 16

A crew member has fallen overboard. It is a calm day and you are well-practiced at Man Overboard recovery techniques. Do you put in a Mayday call?

12 / 16

What is a squelch controller for?

13 / 16

True or False: If you are making a distress call, and aren't sure of your location, you should give your best guess.

14 / 16

Which two words are missing from the following definition of distress?

Distress: A vessel, vehicle, aircraft or person must be in .......(1)........ and .........(2)......... danger

15 / 16

Is it ever acceptable to call another vessel on Channel 16 in a non-emergency situation?

16 / 16

You own a 12 metre boat. Given it's size, do you have to carry an EPIRB?

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